
Orders & Troubles
• FEATURE – When creating a report in Orders/Troubles –> Reports, you can now double click on any order or trouble
ticket number and open the record from the report.
• FEATURE – Added functionality that will handle reports that are associated to fields that no longer exist in the database. It will report the fields that have changed and need to be removed when saving the record.
• REFINEMENT – Set the ActiveRowScrollRegion.ScrollRowIntoView on the treecontroller to .Rows(0) in order to force grid to always show the top row regardless of if the sorted value has a “blank”. This would only be an issue if user selected a search parameter, not if they selected a specific view from menu.
• REFINEMENT – When you remove a component from a Work Order or Trouble Ticket using the drop component Ribbon Button it no longer stays visible in the components pane.
• REFINEMENT – Fixed complications caused when cancelling a Work Order without filling out all required fields. The Order now closes without confusion or being required to fill out fields.
• REFINEMENT – Fixed Organization Name view to only load the filtered records by the aggregate, they were all showing under each aggregated line

Entire System
• REFINEMENT – when updating now you will only need to update the metadata
• FEATURE – When an invalid email address is entered into CAIRS, you will now receive a message that the address is not valid.
• REFINEMENT – All required fields on a record must be completed before you can save the record. If a required field is not complete a message appears asking to complete required fields before saving.
• FEATURE – Added Favorites to all menu items and views
• FEATURE – Added the ability to adjust the sort order of Favorite Reports and Views
• REFINEMENT – Removed the File Attachment Actions within a Profile, the notes and file attachments are now hardcoded and will be available to every user

• SOLR has been removed from the system.

Configured Items
• FEATURE – Added Data Fill capability to the Cell Phone records
• FEATURE – Added Bulk Import Projects for Cell Phones and Hardware. This process can also be used to update existing records.
• FEATURE – CISCO Standard Sets

Global Reports
• FEATURE – Sometimes when CAIRS would update from version to version, there would be errors in the global reports because field names or locations were changed, the only way to resolve the errors was to delete the report and rebuild. Now, the report will load with a message about any errors that might be associated to the report.
• REFINEMENT -CAIRS remembers the size, position and visibility of columns.
• REFINEMENT – For menus that support global reports, the system will remember if a global report was last loaded and will initially load that report instead of the default view for that menu.

Accounting –> Official Accounts
• FEATURE – In a Billing Run, we added rounding to the dynamic billing processes so report totals are more consistent.
• FEATURE – Added 5 custom date fields to Customer Codes
• FEATURE – Added 5 custom date fields to Subscribers

System Admin – Settings
• FEATURE – There is a new system setting called “Note Default Font Size” – This setting should be 12 by default. Minimum value = 8, Maximum value = 40. Determines the default font size for all notes created in CAIRS.net. The system administrator can adjust this value, which applies to all users when creating notes.

System Admin – Custom Report Templates
• FEATURE – Added functionality to map fields for the New Dynamic Billing Equipment and Services pricing options in Custom Report Templates

System Admin – CES
• FEATURE – It is now possible to test the CEDC connection to the database from a client workstation. Before it was only possible to test the connection from the web server.

Directory/Organization > Organizations
• REFINEMENT – Removed the capability to assign an Organization as its own parent. Now warning message shows upon trying to save the record letting you know the action cannot be completed.

Subscriber Portal
• FEATURE – Configuration Settings were added to the Subscriber Portal Config page to allow the Operator Phone Book or the Switch Phone Book.
• FEATURE – The size of the Notes dialog box is now larger than one line of text! The size of the textbox will automatically resize as the user enters in information
• FEATURE – We have added 4 decimal places to the call details reports in Subscriber Portal
• REFINEMENT – Made the export process consistent throughout Subscriber Portal
• REFINEMENT – In Validate Bills, all previous Fiscal Years appear in the dropdown list

For a more detailed compilation of release notes, download or view the pdf below:

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