System Admin

  • FEATURE – Added a CES process to test All Global Reports to see successes and failures


  • FEATURE – Removed the 6-character minimum username length requirement

Entire System

  • REFINEMENT – Adjusted how error messages are displayed to account for the Show Technical Details system

Global Reports

  • REFINEMENT – Several refinements were made to the advanced user search and combined fields
  • FEATURE – Added the ability to have more than one band in a report have an aggregate total


  • REFINEMENT – Dynamic Billing – Equipment & Service and Levy charges are now rounded in advance
  • REFINEMENT – Dynamic Billing – Prorated charges are now included in the Equipment and Services portion of a


SYSTEM ADMIN > USERS > LIMIT BY SITE – If a user does not have “Limit by site” checkbox on their user selected, but they do have a Site associated to them on the Sites page of their User record. The user can still see all sites data throughout CAIRS but will only have the Site drop-downs show only that site which was associated to them. They assumed that they would have access to see and select every site. Maybe they assumed that associating a site to user was just informational?

This works as intended and I will explain why.

  1. The Limit by Site checkbox limits which sites the user can see in results AND limits which sites can be selected. This is used in conjunction with the sites assigned to user.
  2. Not having the limit box checked does not limit what a user can see, but limits what a user can select (if sites are associated to user).
    a. This offers improved productivity for users that need to see all the data, but only add records to one or just a few sites.
  3. If users want access to all sites for view AND selection then they must not have the limit by site checkbox selected and have NO sites assigned specifically to the user.


CONFIGURED ITEMS > CISCO: This known issue occurs in Version 21.204 r 4 and below. The ‘Remove Deleted Cisco Phones’ and ‘Remove Deleted CTI Phones’ button do not work.

Work Around – In order to delete all Standard Sets that are marked as “Removed” in the switch, the user needs to manually delete each one-by-one. Or, we could provide a SQL script to remove these as needed.


ORDERS/TROUBLES > ORDERS > ALL ACTIVE ORDERS: In Dynamic, when creating a Work Order for EWSD set, the EWSD Set button disappears from the Data Components Ribbon Group if the user clicks the ‘Create Work Order’ before adding EWSD set.

Work Around: To avoid this, an EWSD component must be added before creating the work order.


WORK FLOW: Adding more than 50 custom fields to a work flow will generate an error in CAIRS. Programming is assigned to work a fix for this restriction

Work Around: Do not use more than 50 custom fields in work flows until the restriction is fixed.


VIEWING CAIRS AND MONITOR DISPLAYS: If you are attempting to expand columns in CAIRS and are doing so while viewing CAIRS from a monitor that is not your primary desktop/laptop screen then the expand will not work and instead the column will minimalize to where it almost seems hidden

Work Around: This is not a CAIRS issue but rather a Windows issue that can’t be fixed through programming in CAIRS. The Work Around is: if you are working in any form or display with columns that can be adjusted move the view to the monitor associated to your desktop/laptop and you will be able to make all necessary adjustments to columns size and


CONFIGURED ITEMS-DATA FILL: When the pane is in edit mode the data fill option is NOT available.

Work Around: To get out of edit mode click on the scroll bar, any labels, the window header or somewhere else that isn’t an editable cell.


ACCOUNT CODE BULK CHANGE: If you are using Dynamic Billing in CAIRS then you will no longer have the ability to bulk change Account Codes as Customer Codes are now being used as the billing master code.

GENERAL WORK ORDERS: CLOSING ALL SERVICE REQUESTS: Until all Sub-Service Requests/Sub-Work Orders associated to a General Work Order are in a Completed or Cancelled status the General Work Order will not complete and close automatically.

CONFIGURATION PACKAGES: When adding a Configuration Package, fields should never be duplicated within a package. For example, if you choose to add an Organization field (or any other field) twice, when the general order is opened in

EXPORTING WORK ORDER AND TROUBLE TICKET DETAILS TO .TXT: When exporting Work Order and Trouble Ticket details to .txt, you will be required to name the file and save it to a location on your computer. The .txt file does not auto-name the file like exports to PDF and Excel.

ACCOUNTING: OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS: CUSTOMER CODE: When opening a Customer Code using the “Account Funding View” you must open the record first and then click the “Show All” option in the Funding pane to populate the associated data.

BASIC VIEW: Basic View has been added to most application modules in CAIRS. This view should be used only if you are looking for a quick list of all of the items in a specific menu option. For example: Go to Configured Items>Set Management>Configured Sets>Views: Basic View and do a Show All query. You will get a list of every telephone number in the data base. This view was added to help several customers who just needed the identifying number or name of an
item quickly. To avoid getting into this view choose a different view in that application module and do a Show All. Once you do that CAIRS remembers where you were last and when you open that application the new view (other than Basic) becomes your default view.

Release Test Plan

A formal release test plan is used to guide QA engineers through the entire CAIRS software. The test plan provides a measurable and consistent series of test cases. Each test case contains detailed test steps to reach an end result.

Testing Breakdown: Release – 24.103

Completed Formal Tests: 7,500 +

Release Fixed Trouble Tickets/Bugs

TitleWork Item TypeRelease Note
Alternate billing periods
causing overbilling
BugFixed calculated year when running CES Execute Billing. This allows alternate billing
periods that span between months to work
Global report Search and
Concatenate Issues
BugFixed the following issues with advanced user search and combined fields: * Fixed
issue with Has Data and Is Empty search on reference fields in a global report that
would display an error and prevent the report from loading. * Removed spaces from some combined options: Some options for concatenate had a trailing space that
shouldn’t be there, including &, +, \, /, -, and _ characters. * Fixed contains, not
contains, and begins with searches for combined fields. * Fixed equal to and not
equals search for combined fields that include certain functions.
For Loop on Dictionary error
when selecting switch name
on adding component to
BugError on switch name while clearing autofill resolved. Also resolved an error when
selecting dropdowns on set device components added to work orders.
Exporting billing file from SP
gives Error running report.
BugSP billing file needed file name cleaned before export.
Levies that have more than
one rate seem to be excluded in dynamic billing.
BugLevies with Levy End Date working properly now with Dynamic Billing
Searching Issue on Global
BugFixed search issues related to aggregates in the main search as well as searching of combined report fields.
Configured Items > Bulk
Import Project: Need to be
able to import data into Misc fields
TaskConfigured Items > Bulk Import Project: Standard Directory import allows for update
to Standard Directory Misc fields now.
Add code to re-order band
columns for cairs 7
TaskChild band columns can now be re-ordered in CAIRS 7.
Need to be able to resize
and swap columns in
banded reports
BugUsers can now resize and swap columns for banded reports in the main grid.
Add 5 Misc field to
UCE_Call_Type table
TaskAdd five misc text fields to Call Types table.
Allow multiple Personal
Layouts per user
TaskUsers can now have multiple personal record layouts in C7.
Billing Run is looking at the
Creation Date of the Invoice
and not the date to which is
being set as the Charge Date
and Time.
be set to VendorInvoice Date (False)
or VendorImportedCallRecord.Call_Date_and_Time (True).
Remove connectivity based
on setting
TaskConnectivity is now explicitly assigned to Standard Directory and Standard Set records
on the legacy to standard set/directory sync.
Linked Report Feature is
BugLinked Reports are now working again. When building a linked report, you can no
longer use Foreign Keys. You have to use the correct field from the correct table for
Filtering to work.
Please Replace Rings Logo
with New File
TaskUpdated Cairs Logo to be more clean and clear
Dynamic Billing – Calls and
Charges with no funded
program billing to default
TaskFixed: In Dynamic Billing, calls and charges with no funded program imported from a
vendor invoice were billing to default account. This prevented the levies from being
associated with the charges.
Have Emulate user show
certificate users as well
TaskThe Emulate User feature now includes certificate users.
EquipmentServiceItem repair
BugEquipment or Service ID field is automatically calculated correctly upon db update.
A report created for fairchild
keep breaking after giving it
to them
BugFixed a report search issue where the report data was getting permanently modified
due to search parameters with a colon.
Removing fields from a new
report crashed the ui
BugFixed an issue where removing a field from a report triggerred an error.
Cannot edit the copy of a
default report
BugFixed an issue preventing the edit of default reports after making a copy of them.
Exported layouts are defaulted to the Admin typeBugRecord layouts are now exported as Personal Layouts. Once imported they will be
assigned to the user importing them.
DOD agreement modal
TaskUpdated the DOD agreement modal button so that users know they have to agree
before continuing on
Error when modifying
existing Authorization Code
BugMaxLength Property is now repected in CairsRecordInput.js
Time Input for C7TaskTime Input Implementation
Modal within a Modal Close
BugFixed bug that prevents users from closing a modal within a modal
Cairs.Net client won’t loadBugFixed bug where Cairs.Net wasn’t loading. Database connection couldn’t be
Refresh Layout WordingTaskChanged “Refresh” to “Refresh Layout” in the 3 dot menu
Cannot create new tickets in
BugAdded a null check in the dropdown editor.
CanEditAllMetadata report
BugCanEditAllMetadata is persisted through all the Tables in Cairs7
Parent Site does not show in
BugFixed an issue that prevented Parent Sites and Orgs from showing correctly in reports
Use BaselineMetadtaDB
system setting
TaskAdded server code to account for a System Setting called BaselineMetadataDb.
Custom captions are too
hard to see
BugCustom captions in report builder are visible in dark or light mode. Light mode will
have a dark text while in dark mode, the text will be lighter
Switching between tabs
clears out record
BugWhen users switch between tabs inside the record area, saved changes are no longer
optional to import metadata
TaskReenabled the ability to choose whether or not to import baseline metadata
(reports/layouts/dropdowns etc.)
Cannot put tickets on hold
in work flow system without
getting error.
BugCan now put tickets on hold in work flow system.
Client tries to fetch data
when it is still navigating
BugFixed an issue that caused unnecessary calls to the server.
Preview/Filters vs Manual
TaskChanged the “Preview/Filters” button to “Manual Preview” on Report Builder
Delete dropdown button
does not appear to do
anything even though it
does delete the report
BugWhen you delete a dropdown the UI doesn’t encounter a bug anymore.
Pane Edit button does not
BugThe Edit Pane button is working again.
Change Caption on delete
button from Hold to Click
BugCaption on Delete button is changed from hold => delete
Show current row number of
the selected row
TaskSelected Rows are now visible in ReportInfo.js
Pending change notification
when navigating away form
a record
TaskWhen navigating away from a record, if there are pending changed, you will get a
modal prompt telling you to save the changes before you navigate away.
Cannot edit sub-record gridBugC7ReadOnlyReason is persisted in every area where Report Configs can be edited.
MultiLine Text needs work in
BugMultiLine text height now responds to text content
Add Label for Collapsed
TaskCollapsed Menus now have labels that will appear when hovered.
Weird UX problems in Work
Flow Menu
BugWeird UX problems in Work Flows menu is fixed.
Admin layout not disabled
BugAdmin layout in the layout edit mode will show up as disabled when there is no admin
Maked Assign User
Dropdown in
WorkCenterControl a single
BugAssign a user dropdown is now a single click in work center control
Duplicate tables in report
BugDuplicate Tables will not appear anymore in ReportFields.js due to the use of a hash
Search persist and refresh
TaskSearch persists and refreshes.
SchemaKey was undefined in bad UI/UXBugWhen you delete a record, in the title, the record type is now correct.
Terminal Connection Control
isn’t working
BugTerminal Connection Control appeared not working because of a styling conflict. This
styling conflict is now resolved.
Problems with Row Width
and Header Width when
adjusting Column Sizes in
BugCairsTable width is now always correct
RecentSearch has multiple
UX problems
BugFixed Recent UX issues in RecentSearch.js
Remove Hold Button to
TaskDelete button changed back to original
Cannot download files in
BugUsers are now able to download files from the AttachmentControl
Delete > Delete RecordTaskChanged “Delete” to “Delete Record” in the CairsMenu in records
Export Template > Export
TaskChanged “Export Template” to “Export Pane” when in edit mode for layouts
Change the X delete button
on the tabs so it doesn’t
overlap the words
TaskThe “X” doesn’t overlap the tab in edit mode
Layout options should not
be removed but rather
TaskIf the layout is not yet created, the viewing option for that layout will be disabled
Viewing Default layout
should always be available
to users
TaskThe default layout option is always available to users
Layout selection dropdown
error when no layout exists
BugFixed an issue where the layout selection dropdown would try to get a Caption from a non-existent record layout.
Add a “Disable Edit Mode”
button in edit layout mode
TaskInstead of the “Close” button that closes the record in the edit layout mode, there is a
“Disable Edit Mode” button that brings the user back to the detail page
Please remove “Share
Layout” from record-level
cascading menu
TaskRemoved Share Layout option from record-level cascading menu.
Prompt user to save changes
when attempting to go into
edit mode
TaskUser is prompted to save or discard pending changes when trying to navigate to the
edit layout setting
id on NewRecordModal
create button needs to be
changed for Playwright Tests
BugThe Id on NewRecordModal was updated for Playwright tests
Cannot save inside a record
for some reason
BugSave and undo buttons are back again
select weirdness in the note
BugUsers can copy a note by clicking on the copy icon that appears when users hover
over the note
Disallow report creates for
dropdown items
BugFixed bug where users were forced to allow create privs on drop down reports.
Give user a message about
linked reports when they
click on a aggregate record
or chart instead of just
showing the report builder
BugWhen users click on a chart or aggregate report, they will now see a message
describing what linked reports are.
Make draggable column
headers more user friendly
TaskUsers can drag the column header by clicking anywhere on the column header. The
user can also see where their dragging will drop.
Message to alert admin
when there is no available
admin layout
TaskWhen admins try to view the admin layout and there is no admin layout, a module will
alert the admin there is none and that a layout has to be saved before viewing
Allow save default layout
option only in development
TaskOptions related to default layout will only appear in development mode.
Rows, Cols, and Cells need
predictable ID’s
BugRows, Cols, and Cells inside now have predictable Id’s for playwright testing
Switch Tech Profiles unable
to view Ports on Switch
records even though their
profile has all the Port
BugIn the Switches menu, when opening a switch record and viewing ports, profiles
limited by site will now be able to see port groups that don’t have a site assigned.
Closing existing WO errorBugNow preventing conflict with certain browser extensions.
Accounting – Levies Menu –
Changed caption for action
“Manage Levy Customer
Types” – instead of Entity
TaskAccounting – Levies Menu – Changed caption for action “Manage Levy Customer
Types” – instead of Entity Types.
When opening a banded
report, getting a server error
BugFixed an issue where expanding banded reports in Cairs 7 did not work because the
same field was in a report more than once with a custom caption.
Persist Search Parameters
through opening/closing of
TaskFilters persist now
Calendar error when
scrolling to older year during
record creation
BugCan now go back 50 years in data in CairsDatePicker
Switch Tech Profiles unable
to view Ports on Switch
records even though their
profile has all the Port
BugPorts not linked to a site should now be visible to all users from the switch record.
Icon Color needs to be grey when is disabledBugTrash Can is Hidden in CairsTable Context Menu when delete option is disabled.
Editing Baseline Reports –
data vs. schema
BugCan now edit data in baseline reports but cannot edit metadata
Should only load users with
profiles in the emulate user
BugEmulate User Modal only loads users with profiles now.
Cant Create a New Trouble
Ticket with current client
BugYou can now create a new TT/WO in Cairs7 even though a NRF doesn’t exist.
Add Searching in Emulate
User Modal
TaskYou can now search users in Emulate User Modal
Cache Tabs in Record Detail
BugTabs are now cached in redux allowing for better performance
Replace “Tab” on record-level cascading menuTaskChanged the title of the export option on record-level cascading menu
Delete option once inside a
Record is broken because of
server changes
BugDelete option once inside a record is now working.
The Duration totals are not
exporting in billing files for
BugCreated new function to replace a malfunctioning Microsoft string function to
properly calculate duration totals on Billing Reports
Column Reordering is not
BugFixed an issue with ordering report fields.
User privs cache does not
get updated
BugFixed an issue where a user will get authorized, but the server keeps using their
cached unauthorized privileges.
Deployed sites white screenBugUpdated a property in the package.json file so css file locations were correctly built
during release.
Removed double loading
bar in Table.js
BugThe double loading bar was a bug and is fixed
Vendor Invoice Currency Not
Applying Applicable Budget
BugMost current valid exchange rate is returned instead of the first found.
Add Delete Source in Cairs 7
TaskDelete Source is in now C7 Report Builder
Add refinements to client for
deleting records
TaskUI Refinements for deleting records
Wording — Remove from
TaskChanged the wording on the pane edit menu
Fields in global report did
not rename when dbcreator
Bug-Fixed bug that was causing report metadata not to update with schema changes
during db update -When report fails to load, it now does an update of the metadata
based on schema name changes and saves the updated report as necessary
Create a Control → Create a
New Pane
TaskChanged the wording on the control creation window
Please change wording on
Tab Caption window
TaskChanged wording on tab caption page
Unable to Edit Names of
Tabs When Editing a Layout
BugCan now rename tabs
Ordering is not working on
record reports
BugOrdering is now working properly in record reports.
In User Emulation, should
only be able to pick users
that have profiles associated
to them.
BugWill only load users with profiles for emulation.
In the Main Grid, while the
table is loading, the
ActionBar will be centered
and jump to the top. BAD UI
BugThe Action Bar now stays pinned to the top
Needs to be a loading
indicator when clicks to
delete a record, indicating
the server is gathering
information for delete.
BugWhen deleting a record in the main grid, you now see a loading indicator
Emulating User Label is to
large for hd screens
BugEmulating User Label is polished.
The nav bar is empty when
in the favorites menu and
you have no favorites
BugWhen you don’t have any favorite menus, instead of seeing nothing in the NavBar,
you will see a message
911 Site info should come
from associated building not
associated configured set
BugFixed bug where some 911 data was using the Site information from the the set
record instead of the building record.
Please change wording on
Save Layout
TaskChanged the word “control” to “pane” in the empty grid warning
Unable to emulate a userBugWhen emulating a user, the DODWarning page is not shown anymore.
Wording Change on New
Tab in Layouts
TaskChanged wording on New Tab in Layouts
Once cairs7 is routed to
BadAuth page, refreshing
the browser should clear the
session/local memory and
reroute to default page
BugWhen in the BadAuth screen, if you refresh, you will be redirected to the root URL
CAIRS 7 UI Feature Request
on Report views lists from
QA team
TaskUsers are now able to select a row. Also, the grid columns are fixed and no longer
stop before the end of the table width.
Save Default Layout hidden
in production mode
Task“Save Default Layout” button is only visible in debug mode
Chart Builder Filters need
some UX Polish
TaskThe Chart Filter header used to show even if no filters were added. This is now fixed.
Run Time Error with
notification system
Bugwhen the notification system request more notifications but there isn’t any, a run time
error occurs. This issue is fixed.
CES client code was
accidently commented out.
Bugcode is back in working again
Lock Report => Admin
Report Only
TaskLock Report checkbox was changed to Admin Report Only
Make sure the close/cancel
button is always on the right
TaskClose/Cancel button is always on the right of the modal footer for consistency
Bug in New Report CreationBugYou can’t click on the preview/filter button without fields selected.
<CairsEmpty /> needs css adjustmentsBugCairsEmpty now looks more professional.
Update all baseline reports
to edit and delete
TaskUpdated baseline metadata reports
Metadata console needs to
incorporate baseline
TaskMetadata console now incorporates baseline metadata on build/generating
Pipeline broken after
Baseline metadata update
TaskMetadata console no longer validating upon update/import. Since this is a build tool,
we’ll import all metadata always.
ReportSettings opens then
closes when opening report
builder to create a new
BugWhen opening the report builder, the report settings do not open and close anymore
Attachment Custom Control
needs UI/UX work
BugFileDropper in Attachment Custom Control is polished.
NoteCreator needs UI/UX
BugThe CairsPicker in NoteCreator is now polished up
CES stuck (CAIRS7ClientTest)BugThe CES status works again in CAIRS 7.
Global Reporting – Start
Search Sort Group outer
apply error when search
contains field from parent
TaskGlobal Reporting – Start Search Sort Group outer apply error when search contains
field from parent.
2Error messages – 1. clicking
Building Type Field when
creating new building record
(Cairs7clienttest) 2.Circuit
Type (when clicking New
record button for new
BugFixed an issue with creating building types in the CAIRS 7 client.
Can’t add new SubscriberBugAdded code to prevent editing calculated fields in CAIRS 7.
3 Dots ChangesTaskRemoved the pane dots and updated how the buttons are arranged in the edit mode
Pending Unofficial Account
status changes not updating.
BugChanged error msg on Account status update failure to notify user how to fix the
status on accounts that failed.
Proper message needed for
when file attachment is too
TaskWhen you try to upload to many files the client will now give you a warning instead of
crashing the server.

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